Sunday, September 18, 2011

Study in Australia

Study in Australia

Writing 250 words IELTS test

Posted: 18 Sep 2011 06:47 AM PDT

Which would you choose: a high-paying job with long hours that would give you little time with family and friends or a lower-paying job with shorter hours that would give you more time with family and friends? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.

If I was asked to make a choice between a high-paying job with long hours and a lower-paying job with shorter hours I would hesitate to answer. I did not decide for my self yet what I want in my life more my family or my career. I think that these options are very different ones and one needs time to make a right decision.

From the one side, a high-paying job with long hours gives one more opportunities to make a great career and succeed in life. Another important aspect of this is that one can earn more money for his family. In addition to these practical benefits, a person can get satisfaction and self-realization that are very important in one's life. I think that it is a very great and essential feeling to be a part of progress, make difference and be satisfied with the job. However, a high-paying job with long hours brings many disadvantages too. For example, a person will have less time for his family and friends. Secondly, the job will be more stressful and bring more responsibilities. A person will have to sacrifice many things to his job.

From the other side, lower-paying job with shorter hours can bring many benefits. One can spend more time with his family and have many pleasant and beautiful moments together. Also, a job will be less stressful and not require to sacrifice one's spare time to get it done. However, a person most likely will not be able to make a career and make much money. Moreover, one's salary may be not enough to pay for his children's education.

To sum up, I think that every person at least one time in his life realize this and make a decision whether he or she wants a career or great family. And I did not make this decision yet.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Writing 250 words IELTS : student & jobs

In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea? Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details.

Some people think that teenagers need to work while they are students. However, Other people believe that young people should not combine their education with a job. These two options are controversial ones. In my opinion, they both have disadvantaaiges and advantages. I base my opinion on the following points.

From one side, a working student has many benefits. First of all, a person learns how to arrange time to be able to combine his studding and earning money. Personally, I think it is a very important benefit a person can get from this. Second of all, a student learns how to save money and keep his budget. A person gains new experience and knowledge working with the new people. He feels more independently and spends his or her money more careful.

From the other side, a person can have not enough time to meet his or her course requirements. Sometimes it may result in a failure on an exam and a waste of money and time. From my everyday experience and observation some people require more time to study new materials and prepare for an exam. Others, at the same, can easy understand new materials. So, my point is that a person should decide for himself whether he will be able to combine his studding and his working.

Another important aspect of getting a job is that a student most likely will have no time for parties, movies and his friends. I think that he or she should understand this fact.

To summarize, I believe that a working experience will give a student more benefits in the future than it takes from him or her in the present.

Posted By David to Study in Australia| Make Money for free at 8/19/2011 09:10:00 PM


It's about $50,000 aud. Figues from financial comparison show that Melbourne's booming market in the past five years has made houses less affordable. In 2006 the everage 10 percent deposit needed was $36,000, rising to $45,000 in 2009 and $48,000 in 2011.  The rest of Australia had better prospect of saving for a first home than Melburians. Since the global financial crisis, affordability has improved, due to lower housing prices and countinued income growth for most Australians.
The everage Australian home now costs $420,000 ,  which is $60,000 less than the everage house price from two years ago and pretty much the same as five years ago.

Funny story

a four-year-old boy was eating an apple in the back seat of the car, when he asked : "Daddy, why is my apple turning brown?""Because," his dad explained,"after you ate the skin off, the meat of the apple came into contact with air which caused it to oxidise, thus changing the molecular structure and turning it into a different color." there were a long silence. Then the Son asked softly: "Daddy, are you talking to me?" 

Posted By David to Study in Australia| Make Money for free at 9/04/2011 06:28:00 PM

writing 250 words for essay

People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

College is a place where people go to increase their knowledge, to prepare for a future career, to get a new experience, to meet new people. Of cause, different people have different reasons to attend college, but all of them want to change their life for better. In this essay I will give the basic reasons and explain why people go to college.

First of all, every person wants to improve his or her life. So, college is one of the places that helps one get more from his life, to meet more opportunities. Knowledge is a power that can be gotten through studding. After graduation people may get better job and completely change their career and life.

Second of all, people go to a college to get a new life experience, which is very important because students learn to take care of themselves. Many of them  work during their college years and earn their first money. It is really great and exiting. They learn how to save money and keep house, how to arrange their time in order to get all things done etc.

Additionally, students learn how to co-operate and communicate with each other. Many of them have to live with a roommate. From the first sight, it may seem difficult to live with  a completely strange person, but it helps one to be friendlier, more supportive and it helps you save some money.

In summary, I would like to add that graduation is one of the major goals people try to accomplish in their life, because after that many beautiful, exciting changes will happen. That changes will make a person proud of himself.

Posted By David to Study in Australia| Make Money for free at 9/08/2011 07:06:00 PM

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Study in Australia

Study in Australia

writing 250 words for essay

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 02:06 AM PDT

People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

College is a place where people go to increase their knowledge, to prepare for a future career, to get a new experience, to meet new people. Of cause, different people have different reasons to attend college, but all of them want to change their life for better. In this essay I will give the basic reasons and explain why people go to college.

First of all, every person wants to improve his or her life. So, college is one of the places that helps one get more from his life, to meet more opportunities. Knowledge is a power that can be gotten through studding. After graduation people may get better job and completely change their career and life.

Second of all, people go to a college to get a new life experience, which is very important because students learn to take care of themselves. Many of them  work during their college years and earn their first money. It is really great and exiting. They learn how to save money and keep house, how to arrange their time in order to get all things done etc.

Additionally, students learn how to co-operate and communicate with each other. Many of them have to live with a roommate. From the first sight, it may seem difficult to live with  a completely strange person, but it helps one to be friendlier, more supportive and it helps you save some money.

In summary, I would like to add that graduation is one of the major goals people try to accomplish in their life, because after that many beautiful, exciting changes will happen. That changes will make a person proud of himself.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Study in Australia

Study in Australia

Funny story

Posted: 04 Sep 2011 01:28 AM PDT

a four-year-old boy was eating an apple in the back seat of the car, when he asked : "Daddy, why is my apple turning brown?""Because," his dad explained,"after you ate the skin off, the meat of the apple came into contact with air which caused it to oxidise, thus changing the molecular structure and turning it into a different color." there were a long silence. Then the Son asked softly: "Daddy, are you talking to me?" 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Study in Australia

Study in Australia


Posted: 02 Sep 2011 11:11 PM PDT

It's about $50,000 aud. Figues from financial comparison show that Melbourne's booming market in the past five years has made houses less affordable. In 2006 the everage 10 percent deposit needed was $36,000, rising to $45,000 in 2009 and $48,000 in 2011.  The rest of Australia had better prospect of saving for a first home than Melburians. Since the global financial crisis, affordability has improved, due to lower housing prices and countinued income growth for most Australians.
The everage Australian home now costs $420,000 ,  which is $60,000 less than the everage house price from two years ago and pretty much the same as five years ago.


It's about $50,000 aud. Figues from financial comparison show that Melbourne's booming market in the past five years has made houses less affordable. In 2006 the everage 10 percent deposit needed was $36,000, rising to $45,000 in 2009 and $48,000 in 2011.  The rest of Australia had better prospect of saving for a first home than Melburians. Since the global financial crisis, affordability has improved, due to lower housing prices and countinued income growth for most Australians.

The everage Australian home now costs $420,000 ,  which is $60,000 less than the everage house price from two years ago and pretty much the same as five years ago.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

True story in Australia : Ned Kelly P2

The Kelly Gang

May, 1874 . Ned's  sister Annie is dead; his brother Jim is in prison (five year for stealing cows) , and his brother Dan is in trouble too. There are new faces at home – a new husband, and a new baby, for Ned's mother.
"Ned ? is that you ? oh, Ned!" Ellen Kelly ran to the door. Ned, now  nineteen years old, tall and strong, was home from prison. He put his arm around his mother.
Hello, ma, " he said.
"Oh Ned, it's good to se you" said Ellen
"I heard about Jim," Ned said his mother. She was so ill after she had the baby,   and we couldn't do anything to help her. And poor Jim got five years!"
'Yes, that's hard.' Said Ned.'and what's about you, ma? I hear you have got a new husband.' He looked at the sleeping baby in his mother's arms.
'he's a good man, Ned. Little Ellen here – she's his daughter.'
Ned touch the baby's little hand.
'I am happy for you,ma. And I am happy to be back.'
Ned soon found work. He moved from farm to farm, cutting down trees and helping with the horses and cows. He often came home to see his mother, and he and Geoge King, Ellen's new husband, were soon friends. Geoge was from California, an was only five years older than Ned.
On one visit home, Ned talk to Geoge about the police. " why do they give me all this trouble?' he said.
'I don't know,' said Geoge. 'they just don't like you.' 'It's true,' Ned said. ' when somebody loses a cow or a horse , the police always come to me with their questions. And they always go late at night, when you are all in bed. It isn't right.'
'well, come and work with me,' said Geoge. 'why not? You're good with horses, and I don't have any trouble with the police.'
'what work are you planning to do?' said ned.
'sell horse – lots of them.'
' and where are you going to get all these horses form , Geoge?' ashed Ned.
Geoge smile and Ned laughed.
It was an exciting work. ' we stole 280 horses' Ned said later. Then we took them across the Murray river and sold them in New South Wales for a lot of money,'
The police got angrier and angrier. They couldn't stop the stealing, and they couldn't catch Ned kelly or Geoge King with the stolen horses.
In august 1877 a new policeman came to Benalla. Alex Fitzpatrick liked horses, girls, and drink, and for some weeks he and Ned were friends. Ned's sisster Kate was a beautiful girl with long black hair. She liked Flitxpatrick too, at first. But soon there were angry words between him and Ned , and then a fight. A Policeman could not be a friends of the  Kellys for long.
April 1878 came. The Police had questions about stolen horses for Dan and for Ned's best friend, Joe Byrne. So Fitzpatrick rode out to the kelly's house, to find Dan. Perhaps he wanted to see Kate too- but did Kate want to see him ?. on his way their he stopped and had two or three drinks. When he arrived at the house, he felt very stong and brave.
'Dan kelly, you're coming with me to the police station,' ha said.
'I'm having my dinner,' said Dan. 'you can wait.'
Fitzpatrick sat at the table, waitting for Dan, but his eyes were on Kate all the time – on her long black hair, on her beautiful body. The small room felt very hot.
Then Kate walk past the table, very near him, and he put his arm around her.
'you are a beautiful girl, Kate,' ha said. ' let's take your hands off me,' said kate. Suddenly ned was at the door, with a gun in his hand. He fired at Fitzpatrick
 and hit him in the wrist.
Flitxpatrick ran out of the house and rode  through the night back to Benalla.
The next morning there were ten policemen at the door. They found Ellen at home , but not Ned or Dan.
'Ellen kelly,' they said. You and your sons tried to kill policeman Fitzpatrick.'
Nobody tried to kill Fitzpatrick.' Said Ellen. You just want to make trouble for me and my family. She had a new baby in her arms, her third child by Geoge King. But Geoge did not live with her now.
'Mrs kelly, where are your sons?' said a policeman. Ellen looked into the policeman's eyes. 'I don't know', she said.'you want them, you go and find them.'
When Ned and Dan left their mother's house that night, they rode away into the Wombat Hill. At Bullock Creek, miles from anywhere, they built a small hut. They lived wild, and looked for gold in the river.
Joe Byrne , Ned's good friend, went with them, because he needed to hide from the police too. And in June, three months later, Steve Hart, another good friend, came out of prison. He , too, got on his horse and rode to Bullock Creek. So there were four of them.
Then, in octorber, Ellen's brother came to find them, with some terrible news.
Your mother going to prison, Ned. For three years. Because she and you and Dan tried to kill Fitzpatrick, the judge said. And the police are looking for you and Dan. Becareful, boys-stay in the hill!'
For a second Ned's eyes were red like fire. He spoke slowly and coldy. 'they can look,' ha said, 'but they can't catch me out  here.' He looked at his brother and best friends Joe and Steve. These policemen, these judges – they're worse than dogs! They put my mother in prison, and what did she do? Nothing! From now on, we're the kelly gang. We're free men and we staying that way. Are you with me boys?'.
And that was the beginning of the Kelly Gang.

True Story in Australia: NED KELLY P1


July,1865. the story begins in Avenel , a small town north of Melbourne. Ned kelly lives here with his parents, John and Ellen Kelly. Ned is ten years old, the oldest boy of seven Kelly children. He has two brother Dan and Jim, and four sister - Anne, Maggie, Rate and Grace.

 Where 's your father, boy ? Ellen kelly call out to her son one evening. " Is he on the road ?  Can you see him ? "
Ned kelly looked out of the door. "No, ma,' he said I can't see him'
Ned's father came home late , and he came in quietly
"Ellen, he said : come with me. I need your help. There a dead cow by the the trees on the hill. We must cut it up and bring it home."
' Oh John, is it one of our cows ? ' his wife asked ? . " How did It die ? "
" It's one of Morgans cows, and I killed it ", John said. ' so we must be quick, before he comes looking for it '
" Oh, you fool " said Ellen
In the Children's bed in the next room , Ned listened to this. It was a small house, with only two rooms, and you could hear everything. Ned was pleased about the dead cow. They didn't have meat to eat, and the chlidren were always hungry.
But dead cow bring troulbe. Three days later there was a policeman at the door . " John kelly, you killed the Morgan's cow, I'm taking you to the prison..."
That was the end of School for Ned Kelly. He was the man of the family now. Helped his mother, and he worked on the Kelly's farm. The farm was not very big, and life was not easy for the Kellys.
John Kelly and Ellen Quinn were from Ireland. They first met in Melbourne, and then came North, to find land for a farm . Many other Irish people did the same thing. Everybody wanted land, but some people had a lot more land than other some people. It's was hard, wild life. There was a lot of drinking, a lot of fighting, a lot of stealing - horses, cows, dead or alive . . .
John Kelly was in prison for six months. Prison was not good for him, and when he came out, he began to drink. A year and a half later he was dead.

"what are we going to do now ?, Ma ?" Ned asked.

Ellen thought about it. She was a tall, strong woman, and all her life she was a fighter. She had twelve children in the end and was ninety-three years old when she died. 
"we must leave here," she said. "we must go to the north-east, and live near my family."
The Kelly' s  new house was at Eleven Mile Creek  , near Greta. They had some animals and a small garden, and Ned worked hard to get money for the family. He could do farming work, take care of horses and cows , cut down trees. 
But trouble was never far away. The police did not like the wild Kelly  boys or their friends. In 1870, when Ned was fifteen, he hit a man very hard in a fight and the police put him in prison for six months.
The next year something worse happened. Ned was in the town of Greta on a brown horse when Policeman Hall come up to him.
"Ned Kelly, you get down and come with me. You stole that horse and i'm taking you to prison."
"That's not true," said Ned and then there was a terrible fight. Policeman Hall had a gun and Ned did not, but Ned was better fighter. In the end Hall called for help and five man came to help him. 
Next day they took Ned down to Wangaratta and he went in front of the judge.
"It's not my horse, it's belong to a man calld wild Wright," Ned told the judge. "Wright was at my mother's house, and his horse ran away. he needed a horse so i gave him one of my horses. And he said to me, " when you find the brown horse, you keep her for me." And so when i found the horse, i kept her."
"Ned Kelly stole that horse" Policeman Hall said. "It belongs to the man in Mansifield, and someone stole it on the 6th of March."
"Well." Ned said, " I was in Beechworth prison up to the 29th of March. How can i steal a horse when I'm in prison ? And Wright told me it was his horse - i didn't know it was a stolen horse."
But it is a crime to have a stolen horse. Wild Wright of course, stole the horse, and he went to prison for eighteen months. But they put Ned in prison for three years. When he came back to Eleven Mile Creek in 1874, things was very different.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Study in Australia

Study in Australia

True Story in Australia: NED KELLY P1

Posted: 22 Aug 2011 01:58 AM PDT


July,1865. the story begins in Avenel , a small town north of Melbourne. Ned kelly lives here with his parents, John and Ellen Kelly. Ned is ten years old, the oldest boy of seven Kelly children. He has two brother Dan and Jim, and four sister - Anne, Maggie, Rate and Grace.

 Where 's your father, boy ? Ellen kelly call out to her son one evening. " Is he on the road ?  Can you see him ? "
Ned kelly looked out of the door. "No, ma,' he said I can't see him'
Ned's father came home late , and he came in quietly
"Ellen, he said : come with me. I need your help. There a dead cow by the the trees on the hill. We must cut it up and bring it home."
' Oh John, is it one of our cows ? ' his wife asked ? . " How did It die ? "
" It's one of Morgans cows, and I killed it ", John said. ' so we must be quick, before he comes looking for it '
" Oh, you fool " said Ellen
In the Children's bed in the next room , Ned listened to this. It was a small house, with only two rooms, and you could hear everything. Ned was pleased about the dead cow. They didn't have meat to eat, and the chlidren were always hungry.
But dead cow bring troulbe. Three days later there was a policeman at the door . " John kelly, you killed the Morgan's cow, I'm taking you to the prison..."
That was the end of School for Ned Kelly. He was the man of the family now. Helped his mother, and he worked on the Kelly's farm. The farm was not very big, and life was not easy for the Kellys.
John Kelly and Ellen Quinn were from Ireland. They first met in Melbourne, and then came North, to find land for a farm . Many other Irish people did the same thing. Everybody wanted land, but some people had a lot more land than other some people. It's was hard, wild life. There was a lot of drinking, a lot of fighting, a lot of stealing - horses, cows, dead or alive . . .
John Kelly was in prison for six months. Prison was not good for him, and when he came out, he began to drink. A year and a half later he was dead.

"what are we going to do now ?, Ma ?" Ned asked.

Ellen thought about it. She was a tall, strong woman, and all her life she was a fighter. She had twelve children in the end and was ninety-three years old when she died. 
"we must leave here," she said. "we must go to the north-east, and live near my family."
The Kelly' s  new house was at Eleven Mile Creek  , near Greta. They had some animals and a small garden, and Ned worked hard to get money for the family. He could do farming work, take care of horses and cows , cut down trees. 
But trouble was never far away. The police did not like the wild Kelly  boys or their friends. In 1870, when Ned was fifteen, he hit a man very hard in a fight and the police put him in prison for six months.
The next year something worse happened. Ned was in the town of Greta on a brown horse when Policeman Hall come up to him.
"Ned Kelly, you get down and come with me. You stole that horse and i'm taking you to prison."
"That's not true," said Ned and then there was a terrible fight. Policeman Hall had a gun and Ned did not, but Ned was better fighter. In the end Hall called for help and five man came to help him. 
Next day they took Ned down to Wangaratta and he went in front of the judge.
"It's not my horse, it's belong to a man calld wild Wright," Ned told the judge. "Wright was at my mother's house, and his horse ran away. he needed a horse so i gave him one of my horses. And he said to me, " when you find the brown horse, you keep her for me." And so when i found the horse, i kept her."
"Ned Kelly stole that horse" Policeman Hall said. "It belongs to the man in Mansifield, and someone stole it on the 6th of March."
"Well." Ned said, " I was in Beechworth prison up to the 29th of March. How can i steal a horse when I'm in prison ? And Wright told me it was his horse - i didn't know it was a stolen horse."
But it is a crime to have a stolen horse. Wild Wright of course, stole the horse, and he went to prison for eighteen months. But they put Ned in prison for three years. When he came back to Eleven Mile Creek in 1874, things was very different.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Study in Australia

Study in Australia

Writing 250 words IELTS : student & Job

Posted: 19 Aug 2011 04:10 AM PDT

In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea? Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details.

Some people think that teenagers need to work while they are students. However, Other people believe that young people should not combine their education with a job. These two options are controversial ones. In my opinion, they both have disadvantaaiges and advantages. I base my opinion on the following points.

From one side, a working student has many benefits. First of all, a person learns how to arrange time to be able to combine his studding and earning money. Personally, I think it is a very important benefit a person can get from this. Second of all, a student learns how to save money and keep his budget. A person gains new experience and knowledge working with the new people. He feels more independently and spends his or her money more careful.

From the other side, a person can have not enough time to meet his or her course requirements. Sometimes it may result in a failure on an exam and a waste of money and time. From my everyday experience and observation some people require more time to study new materials and prepare for an exam. Others, at the same, can easy understand new materials. So, my point is that a person should decide for himself whether he will be able to combine his studding and his working.

Another important aspect of getting a job is that a student most likely will have no time for parties, movies and his friends. I think that he or she should understand this fact.

To summarize, I believe that a working experience will give a student more benefits in the future than it takes from him or her in the present.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Study in Australia

Study in Australia

True story in Australia : Ned Kelly P2

Posted: 17 Aug 2011 05:16 AM PDT

The Kelly Gang

May, 1874 . Ned's  sister Annie is dead; his brother Jim is in prison (five year for stealing cows) , and his brother Dan is in trouble too. There are new faces at home – a new husband, and a new baby, for Ned's mother.
"Ned ? is that you ? oh, Ned!" Ellen Kelly ran to the door. Ned, now  nineteen years old, tall and strong, was home from prison. He put his arm around his mother.
Hello, ma, " he said.
"Oh Ned, it's good to se you" said Ellen
"I heard about Jim," Ned said his mother. She was so ill after she had the baby,   and we couldn't do anything to help her. And poor Jim got five years!"
'Yes, that's hard.' Said Ned.'and what's about you, ma? I hear you have got a new husband.' He looked at the sleeping baby in his mother's arms.
'he's a good man, Ned. Little Ellen here – she's his daughter.'
Ned touch the baby's little hand.
'I am happy for you,ma. And I am happy to be back.'
Ned soon found work. He moved from farm to farm, cutting down trees and helping with the horses and cows. He often came home to see his mother, and he and Geoge King, Ellen's new husband, were soon friends. Geoge was from California, an was only five years older than Ned.
On one visit home, Ned talk to Geoge about the police. " why do they give me all this trouble?' he said.
'I don't know,' said Geoge. 'they just don't like you.' 'It's true,' Ned said. ' when somebody loses a cow or a horse , the police always come to me with their questions. And they always go late at night, when you are all in bed. It isn't right.'
'well, come and work with me,' said Geoge. 'why not? You're good with horses, and I don't have any trouble with the police.'
'what work are you planning to do?' said ned.
'sell horse – lots of them.'
' and where are you going to get all these horses form , Geoge?' ashed Ned.
Geoge smile and Ned laughed.
It was an exciting work. ' we stole 280 horses' Ned said later. Then we took them across the Murray river and sold them in New South Wales for a lot of money,'
The police got angrier and angrier. They couldn't stop the stealing, and they couldn't catch Ned kelly or Geoge King with the stolen horses.
In august 1877 a new policeman came to Benalla. Alex Fitzpatrick liked horses, girls, and drink, and for some weeks he and Ned were friends. Ned's sisster Kate was a beautiful girl with long black hair. She liked Flitxpatrick too, at first. But soon there were angry words between him and Ned , and then a fight. A Policeman could not be a friends of the  Kellys for long.
April 1878 came. The Police had questions about stolen horses for Dan and for Ned's best friend, Joe Byrne. So Fitzpatrick rode out to the kelly's house, to find Dan. Perhaps he wanted to see Kate too- but did Kate want to see him ?. on his way their he stopped and had two or three drinks. When he arrived at the house, he felt very stong and brave.
'Dan kelly, you're coming with me to the police station,' ha said.
'I'm having my dinner,' said Dan. 'you can wait.'
Fitzpatrick sat at the table, waitting for Dan, but his eyes were on Kate all the time – on her long black hair, on her beautiful body. The small room felt very hot.
Then Kate walk past the table, very near him, and he put his arm around her.
'you are a beautiful girl, Kate,' ha said. ' let's take your hands off me,' said kate. Suddenly ned was at the door, with a gun in his hand. He fired at Fitzpatrick
 and hit him in the wrist.
Flitxpatrick ran out of the house and rode  through the night back to Benalla.
The next morning there were ten policemen at the door. They found Ellen at home , but not Ned or Dan.
'Ellen kelly,' they said. You and your sons tried to kill policeman Fitzpatrick.'
Nobody tried to kill Fitzpatrick.' Said Ellen. You just want to make trouble for me and my family. She had a new baby in her arms, her third child by Geoge King. But Geoge did not live with her now.
'Mrs kelly, where are your sons?' said a policeman. Ellen looked into the policeman's eyes. 'I don't know', she said.'you want them, you go and find them.'
When Ned and Dan left their mother's house that night, they rode away into the Wombat Hill. At Bullock Creek, miles from anywhere, they built a small hut. They lived wild, and looked for gold in the river.
Joe Byrne , Ned's good friend, went with them, because he needed to hide from the police too. And in June, three months later, Steve Hart, another good friend, came out of prison. He , too, got on his horse and rode to Bullock Creek. So there were four of them.
Then, in octorber, Ellen's brother came to find them, with some terrible news.
Your mother going to prison, Ned. For three years. Because she and you and Dan tried to kill Fitzpatrick, the judge said. And the police are looking for you and Dan. Becareful, boys-stay in the hill!'
For a second Ned's eyes were red like fire. He spoke slowly and coldy. 'they can look,' ha said, 'but they can't catch me out  here.' He looked at his brother and best friends Joe and Steve. These policemen, these judges – they're worse than dogs! They put my mother in prison, and what did she do? Nothing! From now on, we're the kelly gang. We're free men and we staying that way. Are you with me boys?'.
And that was the beginning of the Kelly Gang.

Monday, August 15, 2011

7 steps learning English P2

Step 6 : Talking or argument with another people about politics and philosophy.
this topic is really difficult for people to talk

Step 7 : you can do all above without making any error
in this step you are use English very well any try don't make any mistake when using English.

beside that people have to study Vocabulary and grammar every day with basic concepts and import words, common words. But don't forget these essential tips : 

tip 1 : don't try to reach 7 steps at once. Because no body can be good in English in a short time

tip 2 : study English whenever you can, in restaurant, in streets, at home, .....

tip 3 : everyone can learn English, no exception sexual or ages

tip 4 : try study English 20 minutes a day or several times a day, everyday

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Study in Australia

Study in Australia

7 steps learning English P2

Posted: 13 Aug 2011 03:42 AM PDT

Step 6 : Talking or argument with another people about politics and philosophy.
this topic is really difficult for people to talk

Step 7 : you can do all above without making any error
in this step you are use English very well any try don't make any mistake when using English.

beside that people have to study Vocabulary and grammar every day with basic concepts and import words, common words. But don't forget these essential tips : 

tip 1 : don't try to reach 7 steps at once. Because no body can be good in English in a short time

tip 2 : study English whenever you can, in restaurant, in streets, at home, .....

tip 3 : everyone can learn English, no exception sexual or ages

tip 4 : try study English 20 minutes a day or several times a day, everyday